Publicado hace 3 días
Hola me llamo Valentina soy una escort preciosa de cuerpo voluptuoso, fisico muy bien cuidado, un busto grande, gluteos perfectos que te daran ganas de estar encima de ellos, tocarme, besarme y gozar de mis grandes placeres, tengo una piel aperlada, un rostro hermoso que en este momento no lo conoces pero esta hermoso te va encantar admirarlo, me gusta ser directa, pero tambien me gusta escuchar para satisfacer tus grandes necesidades. Soy de esas mujeres que a pesar de ser un trabajo que puedes tener mucha pena por la persona porque no la conoces suelo ser muy facil de desemvolver, se me da eso de conocer gente nueva, es muy atractivo, emocionante, me gusta lo que hago y quiero conocerte en este momento y si quieres saber mas de mi solo tienes que mandar un mensaje o llamar a la agencia de universitarias regias.
Hello my name is Valentina I am a beautiful escort with a voluptuous body, very well cared for physique, a large bust, perfect buttocks that will make you want to be on top of them, touch me, kiss me and enjoy my great pleasures, I have pearly skin, a beautiful face that you do not know at this moment but it is beautiful you will love to admire it, I like to be direct, but I also like to listen to satisfy your great needs. I am one of those women who despite being a job that you can feel very sorry for the person because you do not know them, I am usually very easy to get along with, I am good at meeting new people, it is very attractive, exciting, I like what I do and I want to meet you right now and if you want to know more about me just send a message or call the agency of university girls regias.
Hello my name is Valentina I am a beautiful escort with a voluptuous body, very well cared for physique, a large bust, perfect buttocks that will make you want to be on top of them, touch me, kiss me and enjoy my great pleasures, I have pearly skin, a beautiful face that you do not know at this moment but it is beautiful you will love to admire it, I like to be direct, but I also like to listen to satisfy your great needs. I am one of those women who despite being a job that you can feel very sorry for the person because you do not know them, I am usually very easy to get along with, I am good at meeting new people, it is very attractive, exciting, I like what I do and I want to meet you right now and if you want to know more about me just send a message or call the agency of university girls regias.