Publicado hace más de un mes
Hola me llamo Maya soy una hermosa mujer de cuerpo bien formadito, un trasero elegante, grande, suave y a la vez firme para el tacto, suelo ser muy cosquilluda, me pongo chinita muy facilmente al pasar tu mano lentamente o al besarme. Soy una mujer sencilla, que le gusta complacer a los hombres, me gusta lo que hago, soy de mente abierta, tengo una experiencia que te va encantar y sobre todo soy muy alegre, muy facilmente me adapto, hago quimica o nos entenderemos ya que ese efecto suelo ocasionar con los caballeros anteriores que e tenido citas. Soy atrevida, de fisico bien formado, medidas que te van a dejar con la boca abierta, me gusta viajar, estar a la moda, modelar mi cuerpo ya sea por solo ponerme ropa y presentarme a ti o un breve baile sexy que use unas lencerias muy atrevidas eso se que te va encantar.
Hello, my name is Maya, I am a beautiful woman with a well-shaped body, an elegant, large, soft but at the same time firm to the touch, I am usually very ticklish, I get tickled very easily when you pass your hand slowly or when you kiss me. I am a simple woman, who likes to please men, I like what I do, I am open-minded, I have an experience that you will love and above all I am very happy, I adapt very easily, I do chemistry or we will understand each other since I usually have that effect with the previous gentlemen that I have dated. I am daring, with a well-formed physique, measurements that will leave you with your mouth open, I like to travel, be fashionable, model my body either by just putting on clothes and introducing myself to you or a brief sexy dance that wears some lingerie very daring, that"s what I know you"re going to love.
Hello, my name is Maya, I am a beautiful woman with a well-shaped body, an elegant, large, soft but at the same time firm to the touch, I am usually very ticklish, I get tickled very easily when you pass your hand slowly or when you kiss me. I am a simple woman, who likes to please men, I like what I do, I am open-minded, I have an experience that you will love and above all I am very happy, I adapt very easily, I do chemistry or we will understand each other since I usually have that effect with the previous gentlemen that I have dated. I am daring, with a well-formed physique, measurements that will leave you with your mouth open, I like to travel, be fashionable, model my body either by just putting on clothes and introducing myself to you or a brief sexy dance that wears some lingerie very daring, that"s what I know you"re going to love.